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Cmusic Singing Bowl

Antique Naga/Pedestal Singing Bowl 納珈古董缽-Note D4

Antique Naga/Pedestal Singing Bowl 納珈古董缽-Note D4

Regular price €534,95 EUR
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Antique Naga/Pedestal Singing Bowl 納珈古董缽-Note D4


Naga Singing Bowl are relatively rare and are little known about the origin and date of production. Like the Mani bowl, their self-amplifying form produces an unexpectedly loud and bright sound when played around the rim with a ringer. Antique Naga bowls are very popular with sound therapists and healers, as they can be gripped by the pedestal and held at any angle or distance above, around or below a client during a treatment.


音調/Tone:D4 / 288hz


來源地:尼泊爾 / Place of origin: Nepal

尺寸/ Size:16 x 11cm | 6.25 x 4.5 inches

Cushion, leather stick included (random colour for cushion)

Free delivery on domestic purchase above $300 HKD (except remote area or no elevator access)

*歡迎蒞臨親身感受手工頌缽宇宙之音的魅力,門市地址:九龍太子道西162號華邦商業中心601室 (花墟太子餐廳樓上)
Welcome to experience the enchanting sound, and feel the charm of the cosmic vibrations. Address: Unit 601, Workingbond Commercial Centre, 162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon

*營業時間:星期三至星期日 3-8pm
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 3-8pm

*歡迎 Whatsapp +852 6501 2233 索取此古董頌缽視頻
Please do Whatsapp us at +852 6501 2233 to get this antique singing bowl video


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