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Nepal hand paint Vajrasattva Thangka 尼泊爾手繪佛像唐卡(真黃金漆)55x39 cm

Nepal hand paint Vajrasattva Thangka 尼泊爾手繪佛像唐卡(真黃金漆)55x39 cm

定價 £699.00 GBP
定價 售價 £699.00 GBP
特價 售罄



唐卡豐富的題材與宗教神祕色彩,已成為西藏繪畫的代名詞,而且是西藏文化的專有名詞。理論上,西藏有其古老文化,而且苯教 (Bon)歷史久遠,應該有其道統繪畫。但目前可考的繪畫作品中,十四世紀以前的作品幾乎都與印度文化圈有關,可能隨著佛教的傳入,印度各地區的繪畫藝術也傳入西藏,而十五世紀以後則明顯受到中國繪畫的影響。西藏的繪畫藝術應該是在其道統文化的基礎上,融入印度與中國的要素而發展出來的。佛教化是西藏文化的一大特色,西藏繪畫則是 其中的典型,早期繪畫作品大多創作於石窟或寺廟,但藏族生活游牧遷徙,且為了滿足各種不同形式的宗教活動,於是發展出各種不同規格和材質的宗教畫,這些作品通稱為唐卡。 


  1. 其題材表面上雖然琳琅滿目,但是內涵一定和佛教教義有關。
  2. 平面藝術,以畫為主流,少量是織、繡或貼布(其實織繡只是在繪畫的基礎上加工而已)。
  3. 畫在棉、麻、絲、絹、皮、樹葉等可以捲起並方便攜帶的材料上。
  4. 繪畫原料以礦物料為主,植物、動物染料為輔。
  5. 以動物膠(牛皮膠或鹿皮膠)為固定劑,用毛筆畫作。

Thangka painting depicting Vajrasattva is perfect for various home and office decor ideas. This 100% handmade Thangka can be decorated as an elegant and eccentric wall hanging in your home or office. It can also be placed in your home for meditation purposes, as well as an artifact to your spiritual seeking.

Vajrasattva, (Tibetan: Dorje Sempa) is a supreme Buddhist deity who embodies the purity of the enlightened mind. Vajrasttva means “Diamond Being” in Sanskrit. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the principle of purity and purification. Vajrasattva embodies the capacity to eliminate spiritual impurities of all kinds, particularly neglected commitments toward one’s teacher and one’s spiritual development. 

Vajrasattva is a Sambhogakaya manifestation; he unifies all the five Buddha families within himself in the same way that the white color of his body unifies all the five colors.

With his right hand, he holds a Vajra to his heart, which signifies his indestructible essence.

His left hand holds a bell, rests on his hip; this is an expression of his compassion.

The hundred syllable mantra associated with him is used in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism for purification of the mind.

