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Nepal hand paint Thangka 尼泊爾手繪曼陀羅唐卡 Shakya muni Buddha mandala 49x49 cm

Nepal hand paint Thangka 尼泊爾手繪曼陀羅唐卡 Shakya muni Buddha mandala 49x49 cm

定價 £130.00 GBP
定價 售價 £130.00 GBP
特價 售罄


尺寸:49 x 49cm


曼陀羅,Mandala,梵語 māndārava,意思為「壇」、「聖圓」、「中心」、「輪圓具足」、「眾聖集會」;藏語譯為dkyil 'khor,音譯「吉廓」,意思是「中圍」。原為瑜伽修行需要所建造的一個小土台,後來以繪圖方式製作,屬於佛教藝術一種。這個傳統被密宗吸收,形成許多不同形式的曼陀羅。 


Handcrafted with Exceptional Artistry, Beyond Ordinary Prints

Size: 49 x 49cm

Price includes frame

Mandala, in Sanskrit māndārava, means "sacred circle", "center", "completion of the circle", "assembly of deities"; in Tibetan it is translated as dkyil 'khor, phonetically "kyilkhor", meaning "center-surrounding". It was originally a small earthen platform constructed for yogic practice, later developed into a pictorial representation, belonging to the Buddhist art form. This tradition was adopted by Tantric Buddhism, resulting in diverse forms of mandalas.

The creation of a thangka (Tibetan Buddhist painting) requires extensive time and meticulous craftsmanship. They are typically hand-painted by skilled artists, utilizing mineral pigments and precious materials such as gold leaf.
