Cmusic Singing Bowl
Full Moon Bowl Gift Boxes 滿月頌缽禮盒裝
Full Moon Bowl Gift Boxes 滿月頌缽禮盒裝
Full Moon Singing Bowl Gift Set, suitable for both gifting and personal use
Choose your preferred size of the Full Moon Singing Bowl, and it comes with a cushion, a suede striker, a wool mallet, sage, and a cloth bag
頌缽來源地:尼泊爾/Singing bowl place of origin: Nepal
尺寸/ Size:
直徑/Diameter 10cm | 高度約/ Height around 5cm
直徑/Diameter 12cm | 高度約/ Height around 5.5cm
直徑/Diameter 13cm | 高度約/ Height around 6.5cm
*禮盒尺寸/ Gift box size:
16 * 26 * 10cm
Cushion, leather stick, dump stick and sage included (random cushion colour)
Free delivery on domestic purchase above $300 HKD (except remote area or no elevator access)
*歡迎蒞臨親身感受手工頌缽宇宙之音的魅力,門市地址:九龍太子道西162號華邦商業中心601室 (花墟太子餐廳樓上)
Welcome to experience the enchanting sound, and feel the charm of the cosmic vibrations. Address: Unit 601, Workingbond Commercial Centre, 162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon
*營業時間:星期三至星期日 3-8pm
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 3-8pm