Nepal hand paint Thangka 尼泊爾手繪唐卡 Six-character mantra 六字真言 50x50cm
Nepal hand paint Thangka 尼泊爾手繪唐卡 Six-character mantra 六字真言 50x50cm
畫芯尺寸:50 x 50cm
畫框:57 x 57cm
六字真言-Om Mani Padme Hum 有著「身心潔淨如蓮花,出於污泥而不染」的意思,讓身心充滿光明,不僅能消除業障與病痛,還可以驅逐穢氣、邪氣,避開一切負能量的干擾。
Handcrafted with Exceptional Artistry, Beyond Ordinary Prints
Core size: 50 x 50cm
Frame size: 57 x 57 cm
Material: cotton canvas, mineral pigments
Price includes frame
The six-syllable mantra - Om Mani Padme Hum means "the body and mind are as pure as a lotus, emerging from the mud without being stained". It fills the body and mind with light, not only eliminates karma and illness, but also drives away foul air, evil spirits, and avoids all negative energy. interference.
The creation of a thangka (Tibetan Buddhist painting) requires extensive time and meticulous craftsmanship. They are typically hand-painted by skilled artists, utilizing mineral pigments and precious materials such as gold leaf. Each thangka is unique and distinctive.