尼泊爾特色頌缽墊 Nepalese singing bowl mat
The singing bowl mat imported from Nepal has a strong ethnic colour and is suitable to match any home environment
8cm適用於 12cm或以下頌缽
8cm suitable for singing bowls 12cm or below
10cm適用於 12-14cm頌缽
10cm suitable for 12-14cm singing bowls
12cm suitable for 14-16cm singing bowls
14cm suitable for 16-20cm singing bowls
Free delivery on domestic purchase above $300 HKD (except remote area or no elevator access)
*歡迎蒞臨親身感受手工頌缽宇宙之音的魅力,門市地址:九龍太子道西162號華邦商業中心601室 (花墟太子餐廳樓上)
Welcome to experience the enchanting sound, and feel the charm of the cosmic vibrations. Address: Unit 601, Workingbond Commercial Centre, 162 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon
*營業時間:星期三至星期日 3-8pm
Opening hours: Wednesday to Sunday 3-8pm